Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What is Success??

Success!!! There is not one exact synonym of Success in any English Dictionary. One can achieve 'the impossible', but it still does not make one successful. Being Successful has different meanings for different people.
I believe that major chunk of the population i.e. people like you and me, believe that achievement of Financial Freedom and Security is a measure of how successful we are in life. But according to this philosophy it will be long long time before we can even think that we are successful.
Most of us earn on our own talents and specific skill set. As soon as we stop working, we stop earning. In essence we will not be financially free until we hit the official retirement age. What do you think should be done to gain financial freedom? The answer is pretty simple. Start a business and a system that will continue working even when you unplug yourself from it. Pretty simple concept but its implementation is as hard as chewing iron nails. Just a thought for everyone to muse over. What business can you start today, so that after 10 years, no matter what your age is, you can retire?? Any Ideas??????

Here is a link to a good video